Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
Swap-a-Crate System
We are always looking for ways to be more sustainable and more efficient. We have looked at several options for reusable delivery crates instead of lots of cardboard boxes. We are excited to annouce that we have purchased a set of good quality food grade solid crates with attached lids.
How does it work?
If you are on one of our delivery runs (Levin to Wellington on Tuesday or Palmy/Feilding/Ashhurst on Wednesday) your organic goodies will arrive in one of our sturdy swap-a-crates. There is a one-time $30 crate bond on your first order which we will happily refund at any time. We will keep a record of your bond payment.
Pickup orders will also be part of a Swap-a-Crate system.
how do i pay for my swap-a-crate?
Just add the swap-a-crate bond item to your cart as a one-off, before you checkout.

nitty gritty
- Don't worry if your order is large, we will use multiple crates as needed, but only one bond, one time.
- Don't worry if your order is small, we have small crates too :)
- Don't worry if you don't order every week, just put your crate out for swaps next time you order.
- Feel free to give your crate a wipe before swapping. (We sanitise between uses.)