The MulchTec-Rotoseeder is Here!

This innovative machine has just landed from our workshop in Germany where it was built by farmers, for farmers. We are fortunate to have one of these, here at our farm in Palmy. It means that all-year-round regenerative farming is becoming a reality which is super exciting.
The area you see in the photo has had no soil disturbance for 1.5 years. Even though we have been able to manage it through the use of cover crops, it now needs some attention. Typically this would mean heavy interference, but with the Rotoseeder we are able to set it at minimum till to preapre these beds for planting lettuce. As a result, all the hard work done to develop the soil structure over the last 1.5 years is preserved! 🤩
The area you see in the photo has had no soil disturbance for 1.5 years. Even though we have been able to manage it through the use of cover crops, it now needs some attention. Typically this would mean heavy interference, but with the Rotoseeder we are able to set it at minimum till to preapre these beds for planting lettuce. As a result, all the hard work done to develop the soil structure over the last 1.5 years is preserved! 🤩